• 15 years ago
Twenty-six year-old Samantha (Sam for short) has just left New York Psychiatric Hospital where she's spent four weeks recovering from a recent suicide attempt. With grim determination and the help of her older sister Edna (Ed for short), Sam sets about rebuilding her life, working through her emotional issues and, most importantly, finding the courage to once again face her seven year-old daughter, Lola. It was Lola who discovered Sam's lifeless body several weeks earlier, leaving the child severely traumatized. Sam's recovery goes smoothly enough at first. She diligently takes her medication and finds a job as a cleaner at Ed's office. There she meets Brian, one of Ed's co-workers, a kind and gentle soul who takes an instant shine to Sam. Little by little, Sam's self-confidence returns and soon she's ready to face her daughter. But Sam's ex-husband Geoffrey has other plans. Geoffrey has sued for full custody of Lola and, given Sam's troubled past, will almost certainly win. Suddenly it seems to Sam as if the entire world, including Ed, were conspiring against her. Terrified and alone, Sam sets out on a desperate mission to get her daughter back, the Coney Island aquarium serving as the surreal backdrop for a heartbreaking and most unusual mother and child reunion...