Violent Protests Break Out in France Following Deadly Police Shooting

  • last year
A French police officer who shot and killed a 17-year-old driver will be investigated for voluntary homicide, following two days of fires and violent protests that injured scores of officers, officials said Thursday.
00:00 [no audio]
00:04 [indistinct chatter]
00:08 [gunshot]
00:10 [horn honking]
00:14 [indistinct chatter]
00:18 [indistinct chatter]
00:22 [fire crackling]
00:26 [fire crackling]
00:30 [fire crackling]
00:34 [horn honking]
00:38 [horn honking]
00:42 [indistinct chatter]
00:46 [indistinct chatter]
00:50 [indistinct chatter]
00:54 [indistinct chatter]
00:58 [indistinct chatter]
01:02 [applause]
01:06 [applause]
01:10 [speaking in French]
01:14 [speaking in French]
01:18 [speaking in French]
01:22 [speaking in French]
01:26 We will not get along, we will not get along. We are forced.We are all at the table.
01:30 Of course I'm afraid for my four boys. I'm afraid for the future, I would like it to stop and it doesn't happen anymore.
01:35 In fact, it is not possible to die like that for free.
01:39 I would not like that to happen to my children. My oldest is 11 years old.
01:42 In 5 years it could have been him who died of a bullet. It's not possible, it must stop.
01:52 This vehicle was forced to stop due to a tricolor fire.
01:58 Standing on the side and behind the Mercedes vehicle,
02:04 the police claim to have shouted at the driver to stop by positioning themselves on the left side of the vehicle.
02:11 One at the driver's door, the other near the front left wing.
02:18 They specify in the context of their hearings that they both took out their weapons
02:24 and pointed them at the driver to dissuade him from restarting by asking him to cut the contact.
02:31 When the vehicle restarted, the police officer near the vehicle's wing shot the driver once.
02:41 The vehicle continued its journey, passing Arrago, before crashing into an urban real estate, Nelson Mandela Square, at 8.19 am.
