Le quotidien des bourses - 06/06/2023

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MEDI1TV Afrique : Le quotidien des bourses - 06/06/2023


00:00 [Music]
00:03 It's time for the stock market, time to make the point of the main African stock markets.
00:10 Hello everyone. We start in Morocco.
00:12 The Casablanca stock market consolidates after four consecutive sessions of increases.
00:16 The MAZI index is registering a sharp decline and is falling by -0.89%, 11,052 points.
00:22 The volume of exchanges has reached 208 million, including 69 million in dirham on BCP, 22 million on Atijari Wafaa Bank and 12 million on Maroc Telecom.
00:32 In the real estate sector, Adowa and Allianz are among the biggest winners of the day.
00:37 Adowa is making 4.82% progress and Allianz is making 3.19%.
00:45 And the Tunisian stock market is still in a positive position. The stock market is making a new increase of +0.14% of the Tunis index, which is at 8826 points at the end of the session.
00:57 The Tunisian stock market recorded a small technical incident that imposed a slight shift from the pre-opening and opening phases.
01:04 The opening took place at 10.30 instead of 9.00.
01:07 Authorities reassure that everything is re-established and that the usual hours will be respected.
01:12 And from June 7, the 7,231,031 old shares of Smart will be negotiable in the stock market.
01:20 3 of the detached shares and the 1,446,206 new free shares to be attributed will be admitted and negotiable in the stock market on the same line of quotation as the old shares.
01:31 The UIB option is catching up and making a bigger volume of the day and making a progress of +1.45%. But the strongest increases are held by SOKNA which is making a progress of +4.05% and GIF is increasing by +2.56%.
01:44 New increase on the regional boost of Lyon-Moore. The BRVM Composite is gaining +0.29% at 195.60 points.
01:55 And on the occasion of the Africa CEO Forum which is currently held in Côte d'Ivoire, the new financing opportunities represented by the stock markets are in the spotlight.
02:04 Orange Côte d'Ivoire mobilizes 39 million francs CFA on the session.
02:08 The company has just announced the payment of dividends for mid-June for 752 francs CFA per share held.
02:15 The construction and BTP sectors should know a high-speed course with the big decisions coming out of the Africa CEO Forum but also the energy and transport sectors.
02:24 Total Senegal ends in an increase of +3.08%. Vivo Energy progresses of +3.03% and SMB Côte d'Ivoire gains +3.65%.
02:35 That's it for the essential news of the African stock market.
02:40 See you soon to see together the indices that carry the economy of Africa in full growth.
02:45 [Music]