1986 Lookin' for the Girl

  • last year
1986 Lookin’ for the Girl of my Dreams by Mark Fielding Darden Every time I hear this song, I get sad. I read the lyrics and I know that’s not really me, but a little voice on my damn shoulder says yes it is… but it’s not. Well, maybe some of it, but not all of it.

Today is April 1, 2023. I’ll be 70 in two days, and I’m living all by myself. My home is paid for and so is my truck. My beacon score is 51 points away from as high as it can get. I owe no one, yet I’m alone.

My little house is neat as a pin and so is the yard. I’m very family-oriented. I’m very organized and keep my world clean. I do the shopping, cooking and dishes. But I’m still alone.

What did I do wrong? A background check was done on me last year and it came back full of zeros. No flaws on my record anywhere, not even a traffic ticket. I love the Lord and I know my sins have been forgiven. But I’m still alone.

I’m not a narcissist, in fact, I’m just the opposite. I am very thoughtful and appreciative. Loyal too. I love pleasing the woman I love. I am super soft-hearted and cry out of nowhere. I guess that’s not enough. Still alone.

My heart is so full of love and affection, yet I am still alone. I just don’t get it. I’m not ugly. I’m not fat. I’m in great health. I work very hard every day on something. I love projects. I’m inventive. I’m funny, handsome, and kind. But I’m still ALONE.

How’s that for liner notes?