Gears of War 2 (2008) - Full Official Soundtrack | Part 1

  • last year
0:00 - 1:51 Main Theme | Menu Music | Return of the Omen
1:51 - 7:21 Hope Runs Deep
7:21 - 9:57 Green as Grass
9:57 - 11:55 Expectations
11:55 - 15:09 Finally a Lead
15:09 - 19:05 Armored Prayer
19:05 - 20:50 Hold Them Off
20:50 - 22:05 Derrick Chase
22:05 - 24:11 Building Thunder
24:11 - 25:49 Hell Breaks Loose
25:49 - 28:04 Bedlam
28:04 - 29:43 Breakneck
29:43 - 33:07 Landown
33:07 - 34:41 Racing to Extinction
34:41 - 36:25 If They Can Ride Em
36:25 - 38:14 Hollow
38:14 - 40:09 Unexpected Changes
40:09 - 42:14 March of the Horde
42:14 - 43:27 Highway
43:27 - 45:58 Denizens of the Deep
45:58 - 48:50 With Sympathy
48:50 - 52:07 Insurmountable Odds
52:07 - 54:13 Bump in the Night
54:13 - 56:03 Frenzy
56:03 - 58:19 Outpost


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