Couple charter $100k private jet to fly their Great Dane across the world

  • last year
Meet the couple who chartered a $100k private jet to fly their Great Dane across the world - so they could travel the globe with their pack of hounds in tow.

Melanie Demi, 26, and her husband, Albert, 27, an account executive, dreamed of travelling Europe with their three dogs - Great Dane Lucas, two, Golden Retriever, Cooper, 15, and Dachshund mix, Brooklyn, six.

The couple saved $45k over two years to turn their dream into a reality - selling all of their belongings including their car to fund their adventure.

After forking out for their private jet - alongside fellow pet lovers who all chipped in - from Austin, Texas, US, to Paris, France, in September.

The pair and their dogs have visited six countries so far - including France, Germany, Austria, Czechia, England and Scotland. Once in Europe, they hired cars and travelled by train from country to country.

The jet setters work remotely and have been on the road for four months - staying at dog friendly AirBnB's and plan to keep going until November 2023 before heading back home to Austin.

Melanie, a media marketing consultant and content creator, from Austin, Texas, US, said: "Getting the dogs from the US to Europe took so much planning, but we couldn’t leave them at home - we want to see the world with them.

"We planned our own charter trip and managed to find 10 other people heading to Europe with their dogs.

"It took three months of planning and cost $11k per person and over $100k for the whole flight.

"We saved around $45k over two years and sold everything we had to be able afford it.

"But now the dogs have seen Paris, Prague, Vienna, and we're planning to drive around the Scottish Highlands.

"I think the dogs really enjoy it. People on social media ask why we don’t leave them at home.

"The dogs might not know where they are, but they love exploring new places and it's about having them with us and making memories.

"Sitting at the foot of the Eiffel Tower and seeing them roll on the grass, or at the Christmas markets where they got a lot of pets, or running on the beach in Edinburgh, it's all just incredible."

Melanie and Albert decided to take their dogs on a transatlantic adventure in May 2020 and started saving and planning their trip.

They drove 3,000 miles across America - from Texas to New York - and with cargo hold or cruise liners not an option, the pair and their canine companions then boarded a specially charted private jet from New York to Paris, France.

Great Dane Lucas was deemed too heavy to travel in cargo and the only pet friendly cruise liner didn't accept his breed.

The couple looked into boarding other private planes flying to Portugal or London, England, but none of the dates worked for them.

Eventually, they took the plunge and chartered their own private jet for other people travelling with dogs - costing $102k in total.


