• 3 years ago
Nicholas Thomas Del Franco's companies are investing lots of money and effort in producing organic fertilizers that maximise vegetative, flower, and bud production for high-value Superior Crop Production. Del Franco is also regarded as a highly skilled marketing expert, in addition to being a highly skilled business entrepreneur.

Staying ahead of your pests is key to producing high-quality crops. Nicholas Thomas Del Franco shares that modern integrated pest management (IPM) strategies are designed to complement traditional crop protection methods to deliver the best possible protection for a given field. By combining a number of biocontrol agents, growers can increase their chances of success. Different biocontrol agents target different pests and have different environmental requirements. One of the key advantages of biocontrol agents is that they can be successfully used in both a conventional and organic setting. So even if you are committed to organic farming, you can use biocontrol agents to protect your crops.
