Titanic The Voyage of Eric Marchant teaser trailer

  • 2 years ago
Remember this Titanic book I released a while back? Well, I've decided to give it a proper advertisement. I hope you'll enjoy it, especially if you're a Titanic enthusiast like I am because I put lots of work into it.

Summary: 12-year-old Jew Eric Marchant lives a restricted life in Eastleigh, England. Longing to make a name for himself before his bar-mitzvah, he decides to travel to America onboard the RMS Titanic to meet his grandfather in New York. On the journey, he meets Rebekah Saunders, a first-class girl travelling with Ida and Isidor Straus of Macy's. The two develop a bond over games and sports on the ship as well as finding soulmates. Then, one iceberg later...disaster strikes.

Purchase link: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09BK9W56S
