Eastern Europe Might Get Greener With Lithuania Decriminalization

  • 2 years ago
Eastern Europe is in flux these days with different countries updating drug laws, including Lithuania which is eyeing a widening decriminalization. Eastern Europe isn’t known for its progressive drug laws, but it seems this is changing with countries like Georgia (recreational legalization), Albania (impending medical legalization), and now Lithuania, which is looking at a decriminalization measure. Trying to push through a further decriminalization for small amounts of drugs like cannabis. The push to do this started last year, and was moved forward yet again in June. Last month, 70 members of Lithuania’s legislative branch Seimas, voted in favor of amendments to the Criminal Code and Administrative Offenses. There were 46 votes against the amendments and ten abstentions. These amendments would decriminalize the possession of cannabis in ‘small quantities’, as well as products of cannabis. According to Viktorija Čmilytė-Nielsen, Speaker of the Seimas, “People should not be sent behind bars because of those offenses that can be reacted to in a different way. Lithuania is one of the strictest countries in the field, and the decriminalization of cannabis products is a common-sense solution that is rational.

Currently cannabis is illegal for recreational purposes. However, it was approved for medical purposes in October of 2018 by the Seismas. Cultivation of industrial hemp was legalized earlier, in 2013. It’s not a super strict country in terms of punishments, and generally hands out administrative punishments for drug use. First-time offenders are likely to receive a fine of €30-150, and possibly court-ordered rehabilitation treatment.
