Cueva de Los Tayos - The Crespi Project

  • 15 years ago
Many may not be familiar with what we call the Crespi Collection, but it was/is one of the more amazing collection of artifacts from South & Central America that has every been brought together.

Father Carlos Crespi was a Silesian-monk who lived in Ecuador. He did missionary work among the Indian population in remote valleys during his lifetime.

Crespi received or bought many artifacts from the indigenous people in Ecuador.

When questioned, they told him they had found them in subterranean cave systems in the jungles. As time progressed, many of these relics were brought together and kept in the courtyard of the church Maria Auxiliadora.

Unfortunately, many of the artifacts were destroyed in a fire in 1962 or later when the church was restored. Also, many were lost or wound up with treasure hunters.

After Father Crespi passed away, the remaining artifacts of the original collection were removed and made inaccessible to the public.
