Tiny Colorado Town Wants To Rename Itself ‘Kush’

  • 2 years ago
#Cannabis tourism was a $17 #billion industry. Now, #Moffat, population of 120, is aiming to cash in on this opportunity. Now the #southern #Colorado town in the #SanLuis Valley is thinking of changing its name to “#Kush” in a rebranding effort to ride the wave of cannabis tourism.

Mike Biggio, who co-founded Area #420, precisely a 420-acre Cannabis #Business Park (zoned for licensed commercial grows) is behind the initiative. “I’m looking to establish this as a world-renowned cannabis region,” Biggio told the #Denver Post. Cassandra #Foxx, Moffat’s mayor, says she’d vote for “Kush,” noting that “change is always good.”

Particularly in light of the #fiscal benefits that Area 420 and the cannabis industry are bringing to town. As a cannabis hub or “cluster,” Area 420 has the potential to attract companies of all sizes that could work together, compete and cooperate, to promote cannabis innovation and stimulate the local #economy. Mayor Foxx explained that in the past five years since Area 420 started, town #revenues skyrocketed from $80,000 to ~$400,000 in excise taxes, most of it from the marijuana industry. The #money has gone toward funding schools, roads and #housing development.