Tangent by Jason Rising | Writers Republic LLC

  • 2 years ago
After surviving an attack from an otherworldly creature and escaping the evil plans of a corrupt policeman, LJ Mohr and his mother Tiffany relocate to a new city in search of peace and a new start. But LJ fears the worst is still to come and he can’t convince Tiffany otherwise. Even with all that has happened, she still wants them to move on with their lives and ignore the blatant signs that a greater evil is headed their way.

With LJ’s father not in the picture and him meeting an enigmatic girl that knows more about him than she should, LJ is faced with having to discover what about him is attracting the strange happenings he has dealt with. Tiffany won’t reveal anything about her previous life to LJ, and with his father gone LJ must try as best he can to make his mother see they are not safe anywhere they go.

LJ is connected to plans far bigger than him and the powers that be will stop at nothing to acquire what they need to lay the world to ruins which includes killing LJ in the process. Time is running out and as it all comes to a critical mass, LJ will find out even he is more than he thought he was.

JASON L. RISING began his travels as a writer in grade school and finally took his passion even further with the novel Tangent. With a love for fiction and odd things, he creates stories that take the mind away from the daily toll of life and society. He loves the ocean, traveling and has a great appreciation for literature. He and his wife love to experience new things, which makes it great for finding new settings for new stories and characters.