The "Obama Abortion Ad"; The Super Bowl Ad Rejected By NBC

  • 15 years ago
The Uptake wants to hear your voice. Submit your own video "Op/ED." More information here: How to submit a video 1) Have something intelligent to say 2) Record it on a video using your real name. 3) Upload it at using as your log in and uptake411 as your password. 4) Send an email to telling us about your video. ABOUT THIS VIDEO: NBC has rejected a anti-abortion ad submitted for its Super Bowl broadcast. After several days of negotiations, an NBC representative in Chicago told today that NBC and the NFL are not interested in advertisements involving "political advocacy or issues." Brian Burch, President of reacted: "There is nothing objectionable in this positive, life-affirming advertisement. We show a beautiful ultrasound, something NBC's parent company GE has done for years. We congratulate Barack Obama on becoming the first African-American President. And we simply ask people to imagine the potential of every human life." The ad reads: "This child's future is a broken home. He will be abandoned by his father. His single mother will struggle to raise him. Despite the hardships he will endure...this child...will become...the 1st African-American President." The ad concludes with the tagline, "Life: Imagine the Potential." The ad is the first of several ads in new campaign launched by Dennis Trainor, Jr has worked as a writer/ media consultant for Dennis Kucinich's 2008 presidential campaign. In addition to contributing video commentator to The Uptake ( ), he is host at Operation Itch ( )