Zuckerberg Should Step Down

3 years ago
Frances Haugen, the former Facebook ($FB@US) employee who leaked thousands of internal documents, said Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg should step down from the helm of the company. During the Web Summit conference on Monday, Haugen pointed to Zuckerberg’s majority of voting shares in the company, saying shareholders should be able to choose their CEO. She added, “I think Facebook would be stronger with someone who was willing to focus on safety.” Zuckerberg has control over the company’s direction thanks to Facebook’s dual-class share structure, which gives him the majority of voting shares and makes it virtually impossible for the board or activist shareholders to force him out. He has not given any indication he intends to step down, and the company’s stock is up almost 21% this year. Haugen has repeatedly said she made the decision to leak the documents because she cares about Facebook and believes in its capacity to change.
