U.S. urges Beirut to stop rocket fire into Israel

  • 3 years ago
The United States has called on the Lebanese government to prevent the Hezbollah resistance movement from firing rockets into Israel.

The call by the US State Department comes after Hezbollah’s deputy chief, Sheikh Naim Qassem said the movement is prepared to hit Israel again if the regime launches new attacks on Lebanon. Hezbollah fired dozens of rockets at open areas around Israeli-occupied Shebaa Farms on Friday. Hezbollah says the rocket fire was in response to Israel’s airstrikes. Lebanon’s Parliament speaker backed Hezbollah’s move, saying Israel only understands the language of unity and resistance. The caretaker prime minister also called on the United Nations to pressure Israel to stop its aggression. On Wednesday, Israeli warplanes carried out airstrikes on Lebanon. Tel Aviv claimed they were in response to earlier rocket fire from Lebanon.