• 3 years ago
Congress Formally
Confirms Joe Biden’s
Election Victory.
Joe Biden has officially been certified as
the next president of the United States. .
Congress reconvened late Wednesday night after a
day of chaos in the Capitol to certify the election results.
The Senate and House rejected
objections to throw out Pennsylvania
and Georgia’s electoral votes for Biden. .
Republicans also attempted to throw out
Arizona, Nevada and Michigan’s votes for Biden,
but their objections failed to reach debate. .
The proceedings concluded early Thursday,
with the certification of Vermont’s results
pushing Biden past the needed 270 electoral votes.
Vice President Mike Pence, who presided over
the ceremonial tally, said the rioters “did not win.” .
To those who wreaked havoc in our
Capitol today, you did not win. Violence
never wins. Freedom wins. And this is
still the people’s house, Mike Pence, via 'The New York Times'.
Minutes after Biden’s confirmation, Donald Trump
released a statement signaling his defeat. .
Trump promised an “orderly transition”
of power, calling his presidency the
“greatest first term” in history. .
Even though I totally disagree with the outcome
of the election, and the facts bear me out,
nevertheless there will be an orderly transition
on January 20th ... While this represents the
end of the greatest first term in presidential
history, it’s only the beginning of our fight
to Make America Great Again!, Donald Trump, via statement.
Congress’ session was initially interrupted on Wednesday
when Trump supporters stormed and occupied the Capitol.
Encouraged by Trump’s call to “never concede” to the
election results, insurgents vandalized offices, smashed windows
and briefly took control of the Senate chamber.


