Biden On Transition: 'It Would Make It A Lot Easier If The President Were To Participate'

  • 4 years ago
President-elect Joe Biden wants Congress to pass a coronavirus relief package with funding for payrolls for public workers like teachers and first responders.
There's a reason why the federal government is able to run a deficit: because the states must, must, balance their budget. And they're in real trouble. President-elect Joe Biden
In a speech on Monday, Biden characterized the economy as 'teetering on the edge,' months before coronavirus vaccines could become widely available.
President Donald Trump continues to refuse that he lost the presidential election.
As such, the Trump-appointed administrator of the GSA has so far refused to take the legally necessary step to begin the transition process.
Biden said coordination is important 'now, or as rapidly as we can get that done,' and said that 'it would make it a lot easier if the President were to participate.'