Lynette Byrd - Oberheiden P.C.

  • 4 years ago
Lynette Byrd - Oberheiden, here for all of your health care fraud representative needs, should you find yourself in need of services from a professional health care fraud attorney! Providing an uncompromising and compassionate level of support for professionals in the health care industry, from business owners to medical device and surgery implant companies and everyone else in between, you know that you’ll be given the highest standard f service when you choose our team to represent you and your case. So, to learn more about what makes us the people that you need to represent you, don’t delay - give us a call on 310-873-8140 or 888-680-1745, visit our website at, or why not even come down to our primary office at 440 Louisiana St #200, Houston, Texas 77002.

Lynette Byrd - Oberheiden P.C.

440 Louisiana St #200, Houston, TX 77002

