About For Books The Dutch and their Delta: Living below sea level For Kindle

  • 4 years ago
The Dutch and their Delta - living below sea level describes how the Dutch turned an area with looming floods into a safe and comfortable place to live. Answering foreigners' frequently asked questions and correcting misconceptions, Vossestein explains how the Dutch mastered their difficult geographical environment by a very specific water management. The book describes the historical backgrounds of the Dutch delta and puts old-time Dutch icons such as windmills, dikes and wooden shoes into perspective. Land reclamation in lakes and even the sea is explained, the importance of the Delta Project and its storm surge barrier, the ecological value of the Northern Wetlands. Regional chapters explore the particular solutions found for local challenges. Details also get attention: building on soft soil, an airport below sea level, drinking water in a muddy environment, why the Dutch don't worry about living so low, how the watery environment influenced their culture, language and even the arts. With interesting anecdotes, photos, maps and explanatory schemes, the book makes fascinating reading on an unusual place: the Dutch Delta.