[Read] Don't Call Me Mum! Complete

  • 4 years ago
Do you feel like an outcast because of your child's behaviour? Are your strugggling to cope with the demands your child's conduct is placing on you and the rest of your family? Do you wish there was some medication or support available? Do you feel judged, blamed and failed as a parent? Have you started doing the rounds of psychologists or youth specialists? Do you constantly worry about your childs future? Do you feel helpless, powerless and out of control? This book on my experiences will help you to: Realise you are not alone, Learn where to draw support and advice, Deal with difficult social situations Cope with the reactions of others Develop strategies in anti social behaviour management Gain awareness in parenting a teenager with addiction and drugs problems A Personal Note From The Author What began as difficulties with getting my baby to sleep, led to me coping with an extreme problem child then teenager. This book blends 16 years of my experience as the mother of a boy afflicted with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder) and eventually diagnosed with conduct disorder. It then follows his descent into use of drugs and eventual crime for which it was I, as his parent who received any punishment. I know the emotions around dealing with being blamed, ostracised and labelled as a 'bad parent.' This is often just as challenging as dealing with the behaviour itself. I have tortured myself with questions like "What have I done to make him behave like a delinquent?" and "What can I do to get him to stop smoking cannabis?" So I've decided to share our story. It will make many mothers undergoing the same heartache of unsuccessfully dealing with a variety of childhood behavioural specialists to feel less hopeless. It will address many difficult issues such as bullying and juvenile crime. It is my intention that anyone experiencing similar agony as a mother will feel less alone and isolated as a result of reading this book.
