Bed Bug Exterminator Petersburg

  • 4 years ago
What's the worst pest problem to deal with? If you said bed bugs, you'd be correct. Bed bugs are notoriously hard to kill, and often hard to find. At Bed Bug Exterminator Petersburg, we help our customers eliminate infestations of any size, in commercial and residential properties. Our contractors are not only professional but also friendly and able to help answer questions. We make sure that not only your home or business is free of pests but also that they don't return. We provide tips, including washing any second-hand items in hot water and avoiding used beds or bedding. Are you not sure if bed bugs are the problem? We are more than happy to provide an inspection. Give us a call today at (804) 207-4232 to schedule your appointment in Petersburg, VA.

Bed Bug Exterminator Petersburg

420 High St, Petersburg, VA 23803

(804) 207-4232