Chicks Passions - Living Free with Guest Jenni Raney Edwards

  • 4 years ago
Living Free with Guest Jenni Raney Edwards, Author of Bumping Down The Highways with Hosts, Kathy Lamb and Cece Shatz, Doyenne of Relationships in Chicks Passions. WGSN-DB Going Solo Network, Radio, TV & Podcasts - #1 Internet Singles Talk Network (

A bit about Jenni....

Jenni Raney Edwards is the author of the book, "Bumping Down Highways". Not so many years ago, she had ZERO experience with RV life. Still, she decided to trade board rooms for backroads and jumped in with both feet, hitting the road in an RV, traveling the country by herself. Though many people said she couldn’t or shouldn’t do it, Jenni’s “Can Do” attitude proved once again, that no matter how crazy it may seem, you CAN DO ANYTHING!

Before devoting her life to adventures on the road, Jenni’s background was diverse: ​

She served as the Director of Government Contracts at a multi-billion dollar publicly traded company.​

She served as President of the National Association of Professional Women’s Local Chapter, growing membership by over 500% in the first year and raising thousands of dollars through charitable events for women and children.​

She grew her own consulting company to over $1 million/year in revenues.​

She founded Building Bridges for Women in Business – a group with the sole purpose of helping other women find success as they each defined it. Before stepping down from her role, Jenni helped hundreds of women start their own businesses and touched thousands of lives through the charitable events they had.​

She founded Norsk Construction and Design/Norsk Tiny Houses and designed/built the first LEED Certified Tiny House on Wheels in the world, even achieving Platinum Certification. ​

Since Jenni began her journey, she has been through 47 states and logged almost 100,000 miles. She now lives full-time in her motorhome with dreams of a tv show and of being the first woman to RV through all 50 states! ​

Jenni is also a storyteller. Her entire life, no matter what challenges were thrown her way, she found the courage to face every one of them head on! Her determination and positive attitude made her successful in each new venture she tackled. She is a speaker who has overcome extreme adversity, conquered insurmountable obstacles, and can engage, re- energize and motivate any group. She offers a diverse range of speaking experiences and talents. Funny, professional and inspirational, she shares from personal experiences that allow her to relate directly with every audience. She offers a unique style filled with passion and charisma.

Elite Guest, Jenni Raney Edwards
Inspirational & Professional Speaker
Author of Bumping Down The Highways
