15 Summer Activities to Do With Your Family

  • 4 years ago
15 Summer Activities
to Do With Your Family COVID-19 may make it feel like
summer has been canceled this year but there are still plenty of activities to keep you busy with your family. 1. Designate a routine
game night for each week. 2. Go hiking at a national park
with proper social distancing. 3. Cook or bake a meal for
your neighbors or donate
to a food pantry. 4. Play video games, either
in-person or online. 5. Check out a virtual play or concert. 6. Volunteer to deliver groceries
for elderly neighbors. 7. Have a family reading session
where you read one chapter
of a book out loud each day. 8. Take an online yoga
class with the whole family. 9. Play a game of flashlight tag. 10. Schedule an art night to paint or draw with your kids. 11. Work together to
finish a giant puzzle. 12. Hold an online dance party
on Zoom. 13. Write hopeful messages
on the sidewalk with chalk. 14. Organize a weekly cleaning time
for your house or apartment. 15. Grill in your backyard
or go to the closest park.