10 Dangerous Pets People Actually Own

  • 4 years ago
10 Dangerous Pets People Actually Own
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Who wouldn’t love to own a pet? Well, those people who wouldn’t want one, but then again, those guys
are missing half of their lives. Pets shower their owners with love, companionship, and in this case, the
occasional serious bodily harm. Today we will be looking at 10 dangerous pets that people actually own.
Make sure you stay tuned for number one. This creature attacked a celebrity, twice, and got away with
Number 10. Turtles
At first, you might think that I’m just out of my mind here. I can practically hear you now, and probably
see you also later in the comments section. How can a turtle be so dangerous, you might ask? Well, be
patients for a bit and soon everything will be clear.
Turtles are probably the easiest pets to take care of. All you need is a fishbowl, a little bit of water, some
turtle pellets and you are good to go. The simplicity of turtles as pets probably is the reason why
become the first pet of millions of toddlers all over the world, which really makes sense come to think of
it. I mean, you wouldn’t want to entrust a puppy’s life to a three year old. Right?
But I digress. Turtles are very dangerous, especially baby turtles. They are known carriers of salmonella,
you know, that microscopic bacteria found in raw chicken and the reason why your home economics
teacher told you time and time again to make sure that the chicken you’re frying is cooked through.
So, before buying a turtle for you kid, think about what I just said first.

Number 9. Constrictors
Just because a snake is non-venomous doesn’t mean you can take it home with you and cuddle with it in
bed like you do with a dog and cat. Constrictors are very dangerous, even if they can’t kill you with one
bite. But it seems that people just don’t know how dangerous these creatures really are. Well, here I am
to the rescue so listen up.
If you are of the disposition, baby constrictors can be quite cute, especially baby albino boas and
reticulated pythons, and also the red tailed boa which is getting quite popular as a pet just recently. The
problem is, baby snakes grow up really fast, and when these snakes reach maturity, even seasoned
snake handlers find them quite hard to handle.
They are also quite adept at escaping, so no matter how escape proof your cage is, better think again,
otherwise, your neighbors pet rabbit just might be tonight’s dinner.
What makes them so dangerous though is the same reason why they are cal

