Is It Safe to Have a Memorial Day Cookout?

  • 4 years ago
Is It Safe to Have a
Memorial Day Cookout? If you're having a barbecue this
Memorial Day, there are certain
precautions you should take. Seeing others you haven't been
quarantined with is not advised. But if you plan on interacting this
holiday weekend, remember to stay
at least six feet from each other. Older people should be
especially careful of their surroundings. Consider making a meal
and dropping it off to a friend
or relative to avoid contact. There is no evidence that you can contract
COVID-19 from food, but be sure to cook
meat to proper temperatures. Be sure to also avoid having
a buffet or sharing a cooler. People can hang out outside,
but anyone you are not isolating with
shouldn't be let inside to use the bathroom. Pennsylvania Department of Health's Nate Wardle
