Meet James "Rip" Rainey

  • 4 years ago
James “Rip” Rainey is a husband, father, and real estate professional living in North Carolina. He is also a public speaker, business consultant, published author, and an active philanthropist.

For his education, James “Rip” Rainey attended the University of South Carolina, earning a Bachelor of Science degree in mechanical engineering. He then went on to earn his Master’s of Business Administration from Morehead State University, where he was a member of the Delta Mu Delta National Honor Society. To this day, Rip regularly attends workshops and holds numerous certifications.

After graduating from college, James “Rip” Rainey spent years working as a nuclear engineer. He then went on to become a top sales representative for Fisher Tank Company. He also worked as a business consultant and professional coach, helping individuals and businesses to clarify and achieve their goals. Despite his full breadth of experience and education, Rip remains humble and well-grounded. Rip believes he can learn something new from every person he meets and every situation he encounters.

Currently, James “Rip” Rainey is a partner for Titus Real Estate Services and serves as the organization’s property manager and developer. He uses his decades of experience to find, develop, and negotiate housing opportunities. He is also in charge of marketing, managing employees, as well as managing and maintaining over 60 properties.

James “Rip” Rainey also works as a public speaker at various events, often discussing the art of leadership, negotiation, and how to maximizing life. He also wrote a book called Truth and Money: Fresh Thinking on Money Management and Personal Finances, which was published in 2005. He has also been an instructor for Wake Technical Community College.

James “Rip” Rainey has been married to his wife, Lisa, for 25 years. Together they have two teenage sons. Rip is the head coach for both basketball and tennis at his children’s school. He also spends time volunteering through residential planning projects and as an audio technician. He also travels to Mexico twice a year to assist a Christian orphanage and school called Rancho 3M. Rip is continuously driven to further his own personal and professional growth while serving those around him in any way that he can.