The Three Little Pigs - Children Story

  • 4 years ago
The Three Little Pigs
Once upon a time, there was a pig mother who gave birth to three little ones. These little pigs ate a lot and grew up so fast. When they were grown up, the mother said to them "You are now grown up, you aren't young anymore. Now, it's time for each of you to build your own house. But you must be carefull with the wolf, don't let it catch you"
The three little pigs then started their journey, they told each other "We have to be careful and don't let the wolf eat us"
After a while, they met a farmer carrying a huge bundle of straw. The three little pigs stopped walking and greeted him. The oldest pig brother said to the farmer "Dear farmer, would you give us this bundle of straw please? I will make a house out of this straw myself"
"Are you really making a straw house? okay, I will give you all of the straw", happily answered the farmer. The oldest pig excitedly took the straw and made a house. When the house was completed, he said "Now I have a straw house to live, the wolf will never catch me"
The second pig said "I will make a house which is more steady than yours". The smallest pig also said "Me too, your straw house is such unsustainable, it can't withstand strong wind. I will also make myself a stronger house"
The second and the third pig continued going and the oldest pig stayed with his new straw house. After a while, the two pigs met a woodcutter carrying a big bunch of branches
The second pig told the wood cutter "Dear woodcutter, would you give me that bunch of branches please? I want to make a house out of those branches". The woodcutter smiled and said "Okay son, I will give you all the branches, if you can, try to make a house for yourself"
Being give all the branches, the second pig started to build a house with tree branches. After finishing it, he said "My house seems stronger than my bigger brother's straw house. Now the wolf can never eat me". "I will make myself a stronger house than yours", said the youngest.
Then the youngest pig kept going when the second pig stayed with his new house. After a while, the youngest pig met a mason who were dragging a cart with loads of bricks in it.
The youngest pig stopped walking, greeted the mason and asked "Dear the manson, would you give me those bricks please? I want to build a brick house myself" "Okay son", said the manson and then he gave the pig the bricks. The youngest pig built a brick house himself, which took a long time to finish. But the house was very steady.
The youngest was extremely satisfied with his house. He said "Now the wolf can never catch and eat me". The next day, the wolf appeared on the road. It approached the straw house of the oldest pig. Seeing the wolf, the pig ran qickly into the house and closed the door
The wolf knocked and said "Little pig, little pig, let me come in." The pig answered "No, no, I swear not let you in". The wolf was angry "Then I'll huff, and I'll puff, and I'll blow your house in". It blew and blew, blew and blew. The
