Full E-book A Magazine About New York Complete

  • 4 years ago
A big whopping celebration of New York magazine?s first fifty years?stocked with new material, along with groundbreaking writing from the magazine?s archives by legends like Tom Wolfe, Gloria Steinem, Nora Ephron, and Stephen Sondheim?this oversized full-color book will serve as the centerpiece for a year of fiftieth-anniversary events and other festivities.From its first issue in April 1968, New York magazine has been a vital part of life for readers within and beyond the five boroughs, covering everything from politics and food to style and celebrity. It was the birthplace of New Journalism, publishing legendary stories that inspired a blockbuster film about disco, infiltrated Black Panther parties in Leonard Bernstein?s apartment, introduced us to two hermit sisters living in a dilapidated estate called Grey Gardens, launched a magazine called Ms., labeled a group of up-and-coming teen actors ?the Brat Pack,? and proclaimed single women the most potent political force of our time.With eye-grabbing visuals and groundbreaking journalism from contributors like Nora Ephron, Tom Wolfe, Anna Wintour, Jimmy Breslin, Gloria Steinem, Joe Klein, Kurt Andersen, Emily Nussbaum, Jonathan Chait, and Rebecca Traister, New York has won more National Magazine Awards in recent years than any other publication. It has become a portal through which we can view the cultural shifts of the last half-century and the lavish, unique community that makes up the greatest city in the world.To celebrate the publication?s fiftieth anniversary, this oversize and beautifully illustrated book tells the story of New York City over the past half-century through the lens of its most vibrant, inventive magazine. The book also documents the story of New York the publication?and New York the phenomenon. Featuring interviews with contributors and editors, photos, covers, a mega-Approval Matrix, and a wealth of newly commissioned material, A Magazine About New York is the must-have gift for any lover of New York City.