Tips for Making the Creamiest Mac and Cheese

  • 5 years ago
Tips for Making
the Creamiest
Mac and Cheese Mac and cheese is thought by many
to be the epitome of comfort food. But if you're usually
disappointed with the dish
when you make it at home, These tips can
get you back in
the comfort zone. 1. Add yogurt. Plain yogurt (with fat)
can provide depth with ease.
Make sure there's no added sugar. 2. Add mascarpone. Mascarpone is a traditional,
creamy Italian cheese. It doesn't
take a lot to get the job done,
but feel free to add a little extra! 3. Choose a cheese
that melts well. Not all cheese is created equal when it comes to
that ooey gooey consistency. Cheddar, Monterey Jack
or even Swiss are good places to start. 4. Salt
thoroughly. Adding salt while boiling the pasta will
help it to cook properly, which will
hold the cheese better. Salt will also
boost the flavors of the cheese. If you're confident enough to make
a béchamel sauce, make your roux on
the thinner side to avoid a clumpy mess.
Bye bye boring mac and cheese!