App Store Review - iBeer and iMunchies by Hotrix

  • 16 years ago
Some of the most popular iPhone App Store downloads are all about food and drink... digital food and drink that is. The clever iMunchies app allows you to “pop popcorn” on your screen and then interact with it... as it uses your phone's camera to insert your hand into the iPhone and the virtual popcorn bucket. Even more popular from the same company , HotTrix, is iBeer. This wildly popular app allows you to “fill up” your iPhone with digital beer, and then chug it down... virtually. Like this…. (Demonstrate) And the latest version allows for over 30 different options including pouring beer from your iPhone to another, why?... Just because? Both apps are very clever yet gimicky. They are guaranteed to amaze and impress your friends so as long you are the first of your friends to download the APP it’s well worth the $2.99 investment. I'm Marc Gittleman from Hard Drive 911 for TekieTV.Com. Keep watching for answers and updates on all your science and technology needs.
