Unique coverage Thriller Dance Hollywood 2008

  • 16 years ago
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Cecil and I had so much fun covering the worldwide Guiness Book of World Records challenge--Thriller Dance in Hollywood, California.

We created this 8 and a half minute video featuring over 100 dancers all dressed as zombies to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the release of the Thriller video. Even though the original release date was December 2, 1983, it is fun to celebrate this music video milestone a little early so to collaborate with Halloween because both represent all that is fun and scary.

Our coverage also highlights a magnficent group of dancers who have choreographed their own rendition of the original Thriller dance even though it seems most were not even born when Thriller first busted on the music (video) scene and remains the best selling album of all time.

The unique and massive worldwide appeal of Michael Jackson continues to reasonate with people from all backgrounds, ethnicities, and age groups.

We have intertwined interviews of Michael Jackson fans, so the world can continue to share in the frenzy of excitement and joy that The King of Pop still delivers to the world.

There was a helicopter hovering above, some wondered if that was Michael showing his love.

