Quarantine Time Has Arrived

  • 5 years ago
33-year-old nurse Kaci Hickox would have been hailed for her volunteer work with Ebola patients in West Africa and given a warm welcome upon her return to the United States.

These aren’t ordinary times, however. Hickox was hustled into an isolation tent in a Newark Hospital and held against her will under a 21-day quarantine policy enacted by New Jersey Governor Chris Christie. Hickox, who angrily criticized her treatment from the confines of her spartan tent and hired a lawyer to defend her civil rights, was ultimately found to be symptom-free and was released to home quarantine in Maine — although her threat to end even that phase of monitoring signals a potential showdown with authorities.

Full story: http://www.bostonglobe.com/opinion/editorials/2014/10/29/ebola-quarantine-rules-should-reflect-science-not-hysteria/VXT9QR784JxzAPlq9dQ0bI/story.html
