Kamala Harris Says She’s Tried Marijuana: 'I Did Inhale'

  • 5 years ago
Kamala Harris revealed on Monday that she’s tried marijuana.

Democratic Senator and presidential hopeful Kamala Harris said on Monday that she tried marijuana in college.
 That was revealed during an appearance on 'The Breakfast Club' radio program after the show's host asked Harris: "They say you oppose legalizing weed."  According to the Daily Beast, Harris replied: "That's not true. And look, I joke about it, half-joke about it. Half my family's from Jamaica. Are you kidding me?"  "I believe we need to legalize marijuana. And we need to research the impact of weed on a developing brain," she also noted. When asked if she's tried it herself, Harris said, "I have. And I inhaled. I did inhale." "I think that it gives a lot of people joy. And we need more joy," she also remarked. Harris announced her run for the White House during a January 21 appearance on ABC's 'Good Morning America.' 
