Eklavya - The Devoted Archer | The Story of Eklavya | Mahabharata | Artha

  • 5 years ago
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1 Ekalavya is a character from the epic tale of the Mahabharata. He got famous as a gifted archer who possessed the mighty bow called Pashupath.

2 Eklavya was the son of a tribal king Hiranyadhanu which made him the prince of Nishadha or Bhil tribe (Vanavasis or Adivasis clan). Other adaptations also state that Eklavya was Lord Krishna’s cousin.

3 The mythological story of Eklavya highlights the devotion of a student toward his Guru.

4 As per folklore, he aspired to master the skill of archery and had also approached the Guru Dronacharya for instructions. However, he was rejected by Dronacharya since he did not belong to the Kshatriya Varna (warrior caste).

5 Ekalavya still accepted Dronacharya as his Guru in his mind. He created a clay-made image of Dronacharya and started disciplined self-training by practicing before it.

6 Once when Ekalavya was meditating on his Guru, he couldn’t concentrate due to a dog who was barking nearby. Ekalavya shot seven arrows straight into the dog’s mouth and sealed it without hurting him.

7 When Dronacharya found out about this, he considered Ekalavya as a potential threat to the promise that he made to Arjuna and his obligation to protect Hastinapur.

8 He reminded Ekalavya that to truly be his pupil, Ekalavya needs to pay a Guru Dakshina, for which Dronacharya harshly asked for his right thumb (which is vital for archery). Ekalavya readily cut off his thumb and offered it to his guru.

9 Through his determination, Ekalavya solely became a skilled warrior, with exceptionally better abilities than Arjuna. He demonstrated his prowess when he was aided Jarasandha during the attack on Mathura.

10 He was believed to be killed by Lord Krishna during a combat and at his last breath, Lord Krishna gave Ekalavya the boon to be reborn as Drishtadyumna to avenge the oppression and kill Dronacharya.

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