How Does Email Marketing Work and the Big Danger!

  • 6 years ago
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Hey, today I'm going to be talking about how does email marketing work, the big danger with it and the number 1 reason to do it.

Email marketing starts with something called an optin-form or a squeeze page. This gets people to give up their email address.

Why is collecting email addresses, some people call it list building so important? There are many ways to make money online from Advertising, selling physical products, information products, drop shipping, affiliate marketing, selling your own products the thing is you can do all of those things much better with a list.

It really is central, to what everyone does online.

Another reason it's so, so important is because it's long term. This really is the number 1 reason to do it. I listen to Gary Vee a lot who is one of the best marketers are there and he is big on buying things and re-selling them online. He has a YouTube channel about garage sale flips.

That is great and I've done that to make some cash, but it's short term. With a list you can market to people on a list years into the future.

People are not going to stop using email anytime soon. If you have a list and you are constantly adding to it, you can make money on demand.

If you are focusing on a website that sells physical products with Ebay and Ebay changes their rules – that can really hurt you. With a list you can drop Ebay and change them for another product.

It really is the Asset in Internet Marketing, that brings enormous value. I learned this a long time ago, that the money is in the list.

The truth is, the money really is what you do with the list. That really needs to be said. There are list brokers out there where you can buy a list of people.

I used to have a massive list of people that I build up in the health niche and I barely made any money, because I was doing everything all wrong.

A lot of the work in Internet Marketing is what you do with the list. If you have this massive list where nobody opens their emails or you stuff sucks then that doesn't help you.

Another very huge tip, is the quicker you go for the sale the less resistance you will face with your list. A big danger you face if you are a marketer is that if you give someone free information for a month and then go for the sale, that person is not going to be happy, because it's the culture right?

It doesn't matter if you are trying to sale the moon for $1, they are just not expecting it.

If you are upfront with someone then it's a much better relationship and there will be less resistance.

This all comes down to believing it what you are offering. If you looked hard and found a product that does what is says it does, is good then you really should get compensated for it.

If you know of a product that can help someone, then you are not really selling to them but giving them added value. If you don't