Obama Supporting Islamic Terror in Kenya

  • 16 years ago
Barack Obama has a cousin in Kenya he almost never talks about, but whom everyone in Kenya knows. His name is Raila Odinga. Barack Obama has actively campaigned for Raila Odinga to become president of Kenya - even before Obama started his own run for the presidency of the USA. What everyone in Kenya knows, but almost no one in the USA knows, is that Odinga has made a pact with the Muslim leaders of Kenya, in order to gain their support. This pact (actually shown in the video), calls for the establishment of a "safe haven" for terrorists in Kenya, the imposition of Sharia (Islamic) law, and the outlawing of public Christianity in Kenya. Barack Obama has supported Odinga in spite of (or perhaps because of) this Islamic pact, and continues to support Odinga in his aims, even though Odinga lost the recent elections.
