Are You Manipulated by Fear, Shame, and Guilt?

  • 16 years ago
Many people are manipulated by fear, shame, and guilt. When I studied marketing and advertising in undergrad, I realized that people would make buying decisions that were largely based upon scarcity. This is the premise behind having a sale - and the scarcity (fear of loss) anchor can be leveraged by pointing out how much a customer will "save" by buying now. In reality, they're not saving anything - they are spending less. There are many more examples I could share with you and they all tap into fear, shame, and guilt. Be free! Understand how your buying strategy works or how you make decisions so that you are the one in control of your life! Michael J. Emery is a Personal Development Coach in Portland, OR. He is available for international telephone and video coaching. Visit to learn more! Michael J. Emery's life coaching background includes Ericksonian Hypnosis, Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP), Humanistic Neuro-linguistic Psychology, and Transpersonal Psychology.