Dr. Christine Blasey Ford: 'I Believed He Was Going to Rape Me'

  • 6 years ago
Dr. Christine Blasey Ford:
'I Believed He Was Going to Rape Me' The extraordinary
testimony comes amid Ford testified to committee members her
allegations that Kavanaugh sexually
assaulted her at a high school party
when they were both teenagers. Christine Blasey Ford, testimony before Senate Judiciary Committee She also described that she and
her family have been the subject
of death threats and harassment. The death threats began once her
name became public and have forced
Dr. Blasey and her family
to relocate from their home. Christine Blasey Ford, testimony before Senate Judiciary Committee Ford's testimony was followed by questioning from Arizona prosecutor Rachel Mitchell. In an unprecedented format, Democratic Committee members Patrick Leahy, U.S. Senator (D.,VT) Christine Blasey Ford, testimony before Senate Judiciary Committee
