Let's go to a night market in Taiwan!!!! 台灣逛逢甲夜市

  • 6 years ago
Taiwan are famous for our night markets and you're bound to find quite a few in every city. Today I want to take you on a flash tour to the most popular one in Taichung called Feng Jia. Follow me in my video to see the buzz around the market and sample some famous stinky tofu. Enjoy!!!
今天要帶大家走訪台中著名的逢甲夜市。它位於大學區,無論日夜都非常熱鬧, 是本地及外國遊客都愛逛的地方。這裡有不少潮流商店和台灣很流行的夾娃娃店。 而夜市當然少不了各式各樣的台灣地道美食,包括著名的臭豆腐。你要吃嗎?

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