Mr Bean Cartoon 2018 - Bean's Suit | Funny Cartoon for Kids | Best Cartoon | Cartoon Movie | Animation 2018 Cartoons

  • 6 years ago
Mr Bean Cartoon 2018 - Bean's Suit

Bean Shopping
Mr. Bean is locked in a department store overnight and has the time of his life.

Rare Bird
Mr. Bean is desperate to tick off the last elusive bird in his birdspotting book.

Artful Bean
Mr Bean makes a painting using ketchup, mustard, cabbage juice, blueberries, and cheese mould. The flies seem to like it. He sells it for 5 pounds until he gets an idea of getting their money without returning it to the panicked customers.

Dinner for Two
Irma Gobb is coming for dinner. However, Bean falls asleep in the bath and as a result the turkey is badly burned. Moreover, Irma is kept waiting ages for Bean to answer the door. He tries to cook the spaghetti, but takes a long time to do so, only for it to be lost down the sink when he is shocked by a bird crashing into the window. He decides to make the bird their dinner – but it's too small, so he inflates it to look like a turkey. When this doesn't work, Bean and Irma decide to try to catch and eat the mouse.

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