Lets stop forcing kids to be what we want them to be (I’m not sure if this kid wants to be an #entrepreneur or his father wants him to be, but it didn’t feel fu

  • 6 years ago
Lets stop forcing kids to be what we want them to be (I’m not sure if this kid wants to be an #entrepreneur or his father wants him to be, but it didn’t feel fully right) and so I jumped in at the chance that I could help them both.

Too many parents want their kids to be “X” doctor, lawyer, financial executive was what many of us grew up with, but today their is huge momentum for #entrepreneurship from parents and it’s equally dangerous.

Dangerous in that, we as parents, CEO’s leaders should always be listening, listening and watching to see what we can do to help accelerate the people we “manage” at what they either love or show skills in.

“Let them be them, not what you want for them.”

Oh and if he is a #entrepreneur or your 12 year old is, the advice stands, no more talking, time to do!

Pass this one along!
