Best seller Before The College Audition: A guide for creating your list of acting and musical

  • 6 years ago
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You ve decided you want to go to college and get a degree in the performing arts. Now what? In order to give yourself the best odds of gaining acceptance to one of your dream performing arts programs, you must be realistic and organized. This book will guide you through the steps to create a college list that is filled with the appropriate mix of reach, match, and safety schools suited to your needs, talent, and personality. We have interviewed over 200 performing arts programs on what opportunities they uniquely offer their students, what they look for in a potential student, and what they expect to see in a college audition. Sift through the interviews to gain essential information to help craft your list of college programs and to better your odds of acceptance. Use this book to discover new programs and get better acquainted with your dream schools!
