Children to be Limited from Cell Phone Use by New Bill

  • 16 years ago
Airtube Headsets
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A new bill has been presented to the Israel Parliament (the Knesset) proposing to limit the use of and sales of cell phones to children. The bill was filed by MPs Dov Hanin Michael Malchior with nine other MPs. According to the new bill, any advertising of mobile phones will need to include a warning taking up 5% of the advertisement page. Children will not be permitted to be shown in the advertisement and such advertisements cannot therefore be directed towards children. Moreover, children will not legally be able to buy themselves a cell phone (unless they are accompanied by an adult). Furthermore, cell phones will not be able to be legally sold without a warning. The warning will say, on a patch of at least the size of 5 cm, "Warning! The health ministry warns that heavy usage and the carrying of the device close to the body can increase the risk of cancer, especially among children." Warnings regarding the dangers will be posted at the sales centers of cell phones, services centers, and on the companies' websites. Educational
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