5 Phrases Millennials Use That No One Else Gets

  • 6 years ago
5 Phrases Millennials Use That No One Else Gets Millennials are poised to take over the world, so the rest of us better "get on fleek" and learn to "keep it 100." These five millennials phrases will help get you up to speed. 1. As in "Stay Woke," this phrase is used to describe whether someone is paying attention to political and social events or aware of certain truths. 2. Coined from the rapper Drake, 3. Not the luxury Italian fashion company, but slang for cool, good, fine or okay — "all gucci." 4. Referring to Youtube or Insta-views, this means to engage in rash behavior for entertainment purposes. 5. Basically, this word is used in its opposite context for exaggeration or dramatic effect, as in,
"I'm literally dying."