Favorit Book Healing Depression the Mind-body Way: Creating Happiness with Meditation, Yoga, and

  • 6 years ago
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Paperback. Pub Date: 2009 Pages: 288 Publisher: John Wiley If you have an interest in Optimum mental health of the this book Belongs on your shelf!-Amy Weintraub. author of Yoga for Depression A must-read for anyone interested in. overcoming depression and healing themselves naturally. A very important book that will elevate you in many ways. Everyone must seek it out.-Dharma Singh Khalsa. MD. author of Meditation as Medicine and Dead ain Cells Don t Lie Activate the inherent wisdom of your mind-body Healing Depression the Mind-Body Way shines a new light on the darkness of depression by presenting specific antidepression strategies designed to help you unleash your innate healing potential. The time-tested advice presented in this book is based on the latest theories of modern science and the practical wisdom of Ayurveda. an ancient system of natural medicine. This unique b...
