Full version Goodbye To Gout: A New Gout Diet Unlimited

  • 6 years ago
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You can say goodbye to gout for good with this new gout diet. Goodbye To Gout is a comprehensive, easy to read book that reveals the truth about what really causes gout and what it reveals may shock you; misinformation - yes, and lots of it, outright lies - possibly, numerous quick fix cures that will never work and a focus on purine rich food that is not supported by scientific evidence. Does something we eat cause gout? Well you may be surprised to learn that it does, but the purine rich foods that have hitherto received such a bad press are actually innocent by-standers, the real culprits are some of the things that many of us eat and drink every day of our lives. Move to a gout friendly way of eating and gout goes away, and it goes away for good. It s as simple as that. Goodbye To Gout is based on real scientific evidence, not the old wives tales and folklore that have shrouded gout for years. While there are some things you should avoid eating, there are plenty of other things that you can eat and you will be delighted to hear that foods that are high in purines are all firmly back on the menu. With this new gout diet there are no forbidden foods , no calorie counting and no need for recipes. Instead there are a set of easy-to-follow guidelines, as opposed to a set of strict rules, that will help you make the switch from the foods that can cause gout to the gout friendly foods that will restore your body s natural balance and set you on the road to being gout free. The occasional mishap will not spell doom. It is what you do most of the time, not what you do some of the time that matters and, unlike some rigidly restricted gout diets, it does not take the fun out of eating. How many of you would like to be able to say I used to suffer from gout ? Well my husband can. We changed our diet and he now lives an active gout free life. For him, facing a lifetime of pain and medication is a thing of the past.