The final China 9/11 TV Fakery (Fakely)

  • 16 years ago
The final China 9/11 TV Fakery (Fakely) IP News, NYC On August 23rd 2008, Nicolumbo, one of the new co-marketing employees from contacted the IOC China (011+86-10-66699185) to figure out if it was a rumor that '14 year old' chinese athlete He Kexin turned into the latest 9/11 no-planer. "Hearsay" has it that she was influenced by the amount of fakery at the Games (age fakery, CGI fireworks, sound recording coverups and possibly also time jury fakery of "Omega" regarding Michael "i have no girlfriend" Phelps- see Unfortunately the rumor couldn't have been confirmed and our recording screwed up. However we assure that in any case one of our t-shirts are already 'on the way' for the closing procedures. We also chatted about if she ever got influenced with "Goldman Sex" but then this nice guy refered us to the International Relation Department at 011-86-24-66698340 "story" to be continued ... ; mix: nicolumbo kaospad: warren cuccurullo, DOUBLEYOUSEE (WARRENC) design: mellebelle reCartoonization: pollenB septemberClues: simon shack comedy: troy aka alexjoneswrongagain WTC7: 9/11 tv fakery studio hub, FCS receiver etc... propellerheads: take california social studies: oryanobamao8 olympicGames: supermario pedophelia: he '14' kexin trutherCult of the week: wearechangeToronto splitscreen mash: chrysaor91 powder beats: anthrax9/11, CBS etc... manOntheWire: 70sfakery synchromysticism: 'seallion'kotze and friends voiceOver: JimFetzer voiceUnder: Alex "Tavistock" Jones, Luke "Mexican" Rudkowski, Korey "Iraq Rowe etc... voiceMachine: Richard "Bechtel" Gage reports: NIST, CBS and others characters: nicolumbo tShirts: tShirt animation: theonlyreallaz missing link: deutscheBank 808state: 808state, goldmansachs + china bugs: webfairy in chelsea [fruitloopers fruitloop mix] videoInstallation: aq al-qyeda drugs: batman censorship: new york magazine tightenUp: archie bell, YMO, robertGordon plotline inspiration: richard levinson + ...
