Star Wars Parody: Galactic Legion Episode 1: The Break Up (Darth Vader Mocks an Employee On His Bad Day)

  • 6 years ago
The Galactic Legion’s first episode has its main protagonist Ken Starblight in an awkward work situation with his co-worker girlfriend and his evil overlord boss.

Detailed description:
Ken Starblight’s girlfriend Kim breaks up with him at work in front of his coworkers of unit THX 1138. The evil overlord boss, very similar to Darth Vader in appearance, decides to mock him. Ken stands up for himself against his both that leads to some untimely deaths.

Series: The Galactic Legion
Season: 1
Title: The Galactic Legion Episode 1: The Break Up
Produced by : Chromemagnon Entertainment 2014
Video Type: Star Wars Animated Parody
Ken Starblight: Paul Wood
Darth Vader Parody: Paul Wood

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