実写 それいけ!アンパンマンショー Anpanman Show [6/7] 最前列高画質1080P60 キャラクターショー 最新動画 アニメ

  • 6 лет назад
7部構成 下のリンクか再生リストから順番に見てね。\r
◆Part0 前説\r
◆Part1 本編\r
◆Part2 本編\r
◆Part3 本編\r
◆Part4 本編\r
◆Part5 本編\r
◆Part6 本編\r
◆Part7 本編\r
◆Doctor KONAN / 木南 チャンネル登録\r
◆Doctor KONAN / 木南 Twitter\r
◆Doctor KONAN ブログ\r
Anpanman is a Japanese picture bookwritten by Takashi Yanase, running from 1973 until new following his death. \r
The anime adaptation Soreike! Anpanman (Lets Go! Anpanman) is one of the most popular animeamongst young children in Japan. \r
The show has been on the air in Japan continuously since October 1988. On October 4, 1996 (Episode 398) the show changed its time slot from Monday to Friday. \r
On November 10, 2000 (Episode 588) the show was made with digital editing. On August 28, new the show had aired 1000 s. \r
Since April 2, new (Episode 1029) the show started airing in High Definition. In new, \r
the titular Anpanman is the most popular fictional charer among people age 0 to 12 years in Japan in 10 consecutive years, \r
according to 2channel the show was originally going to premiere in 1987 and it was originally going to end with 24 s, according to research by Bandai.\r
作詞 - やなせたかし / 作曲 - 三木たかし / 編曲 - 大谷和夫 / 歌 - ドリーミング\r
