18 Most Unique Homes Found Around The World

  • 6年前
From the The Cliff House in Victoria, Australia to The Dome Home in Pensacola, Florida here are 18 Most Unique Homes Found Around The World.\r
#8 - The Neverwas Haul from California\r
The Neverwas Haul house is a three-story, self-propelled mobile art design turned home vehicle which was designed to resemble a Victorian house on wheels. It was inspired by the stories of Jules Verne and H.G. Wells and created by Shannon OHare and a team from the Shipyard in Berkeley, California. While no one ually lives inside you can see the creation at Obtainium Works which is an art car fory in Vallejo, California.\r
#7 - The Dome Home in Pensacola, Florida\r
This home uses a dome-shape to be able to withstand fierce hurricane force winds during the hurricane season which occurs once a year along the southern coast. The home is able to withstand winds up to 300 miles per hour and even a direct hit from a hurricane. The home sits on 16 pilings which are each driven 17-feet down into the sand. The house lived up to its purpose and fared well through Hurricane Ivan whereas the neighboring houses on either side of the Dome Home were swept away by the storm. \r
#6 - The Upside Down House in Szymbark, Poland\r
The Upside Down House was inspired and built as a statement about the Communist era and the end of the world. Polish philanthropist Daniel Czapiewski commissioned and designed the house which took 114 days since the workers kept getting so disoriented by the angles of the house while building. The houses interior is decorated with 1970s era furniture and decor complete with the propaganda of the time coming from the television set. Those who visit the house these days often leave “sea-sick” after only being inside for a few moments. \r
#5 - The Bubble House in Tourettes-sur-Loup, France\r
This futuristic-looking home was designed back in the 1970s and is still currently being built today. The house was designed by Hungarian architect Antti Lovag for the fashion designer and mogul, Pierre Cardin. The house was designed to take advantage of the volcanic landscape while giving stunning views of the Mediterranean. And while it may not be quite finished, that doesnt stop the French Ministry of Culture from listing it as a historic monument. \r
#4 - The Walking House \r
A Chinese man named Liu Lingchao shocked and impressed us when he began his journey from the city he had worked in, to the province of Guangxi, his hometown. The journey took him five years to complete, and throughout the entire journey, he carried a makeshift, recycled, portable home so that he could continue his journey without having to constantly seek and pay for shelter. The “house” is only a few square feet, but it is enough to see him through his adventures. \r
#3 - Hearst Castle in San Simeon, California\r
William Randolph Hearst was the American newspaper publisher who built the nations largest newspaper chain to date. In 1919, he wrote a letter to architect Julia Morgan asking for “a little something” to be built since he had grown tired of camping out in the open at the ranch. Morgan more than obliged and presented Hearst with a colossal castle that hosts 165 rooms and 127 acres of perfectly groomed gardens, pools, paths, and hidden treasures. The castle is open to the public for tours, but you might want to plan to stay for more than one day because since the palace is so big, youll have to participate in five separate tours before you will have seen the entire place. \r
#2 - The Nautilus House in Mexico City\r
A couple commissioned a sea-shell inspired house and hired design firm Senosiain Arquitectos to oversee the job. The house was created using a design technique that uses a frame of steel-reinforced chicken wire coated with a two-inch-thick layer of specialized concrete which creates a structure that is both earthquake-proof and very low maintenance. \r
#1 - The Cliff House in Victoria, Australia\r
The architects and designers at Modscape created a conceptual property that is permanently perched above the Australian ocean. The house was created for couples who are exploring options for a holiday or vacation home. From far away the house hangs off the face of the cliff the same way that a barnacle clings to the side of a ship. The decorations and furniture are kept as minimal as possible as not to distr from the expansive and breath-taking views of the ocean around you.
